NAFTA in Mexico: What Worked? And What Did Not? South America, NAFTA, International TradeRebecca StephanJanuary 22, 20222022
Trade Liberalization and Economic Development: Lessons from S. Korea, Australia, and Argentina International Trade, Asia, tariffs, South AmericaRebecca StephanJanuary 13, 20221996
An Empirical Study of the Crowding our Hypotheses: A Case of Mexico Crowding Out Hypothesis, South America, exchange rateRebecca StephanJanuary 13, 20221999
Twin Deficits Revisited: Evidence from India, Pakistan and Mexico Asia, South America, IndiaRebecca StephanJanuary 3, 20222001
India’s External Debt Compared with Argentina, Brazil and Mexico: 1980-1996 India, South America, debtRebecca StephanJanuary 3, 20222003
Gross Domestic Product and Social Welfare in Mexico: Are the Economists Missing Some things South America, DevelopmentRebecca StephanDecember 30, 20212005
Foreign Aid and Economic Growth in Ecuador: A Test of Harrod-Domar Financing Gap Growth Model South America, Harrod-Domar, foreign direct investment, DevelopmentRebecca StephanDecember 30, 20212005
Role of NAFTA in Economic Development of Mexico: Results from Modern Data NAFTA, Development, South AmericaRebecca StephanDecember 24, 20212007
Population Explosion and Economic Development: Comparative Analysis of Brazil and Mexico Population Growth, South America, DevelopmentRebecca StephanDecember 24, 20212008
Income Distribution and Economic Growth: A Case of Brazil: A Note South America, Development, KuznetRebecca StephanDecember 24, 20212009
Critique and Analysis of Currency Crisis in Argentina South AmericaRebecca StephanDecember 24, 20212009
Adoption of Big-Push Hypothesis: Evidence from the Case of Botswana South America, keynesianRebecca StephanDecember 24, 20212009
Analysis of Dutch Disease Phenomenon in Case of Venezuela South AmericaRebecca StephanDecember 24, 20212010
Economic Effects of NAFTA on Mexico’s Economy: Recent Evidence of Economic Integration Development, NAFTA, South AmericaRebecca StephanDecember 24, 20212010
Dutch Disease and Chilean Copper Boom: An Empirical Analysis South America, Dutch Disease, Development, International TradeRebecca StephanDecember 21, 20212011
Measuring Development Through Women’s Empowerment: A Case of Comparison, Brazil and Bolivia” Country Comparison, South America, Development, WomenRebecca StephanDecember 21, 20212011
A Partial Test of the Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson Model: US-MEXICO Trade Relations and Labor In Mexico International Trade, NAFTA, Unemployment, South America, USRebecca StephanDecember 21, 20212014
Measuring Income Inequality and Human Development in Brazil South America, DevelopmentRebecca StephanDecember 19, 20212014
Kuznets' Hexa Characteristics: Economic Development Comparatistics Development, Kuznet, South America, Country ComparisonRebecca StephanDecember 9, 20212015
Theoretical Arguments of Economic Growth as Applied to the Case of Nicaragua South America, Development, Lewis Model, Neoclassical, Structural AdjustmentRebecca StephanDecember 9, 20212019