India’s BOP: A Review of Capital Account Behavior Since Independence India, balance of paymentsRebecca StephanJanuary 12, 20222000
Balance of Payment Changes and Exchange Rate Devaluation: A Case of India balance of payments, currency, exchange rate, IndiaRebecca StephanJanuary 5, 20221996
The J-Curve Hypothesis, Balance of Payment, and the Recent Devaluation of Indian Rupee exchange rate, currency, j-curve, balance of paymentsRebecca StephanJanuary 5, 20221993
Recent Fluctuations in the U.S. Dollar Value and the BOP US, balance of payments, currency, exchange rateRebecca StephanJanuary 5, 20221990
Monetary Approach to Balance of Payments and Exchange Rate Determination: Recent Experience of Eight Countries balance of payments, Country Comparison, exchange rate, monetaryRebecca StephanJanuary 5, 20221990
India’s External Debt and Exception to the International Debt Crisis US, India, International Trade, balance of payments, debt, currencyRebecca StephanJanuary 5, 20221989
Effects of Output Growth on the Balance of Payments balance of payments, monetaryRebecca StephanJanuary 5, 20221988
Capital Flows as an offset to Monetary Policy: The Netherlands Experience monetary, Europe, open economy, balance of paymentsRebecca StephanJanuary 5, 20221985