The J-Curve Hypothesis and Currency Devaluation: Cases of Egypt and Ghana Africa, currency, exchange rate, j-curveRebecca StephanJanuary 6, 20221996
The J-Curve Hypothesis, Balance of Payment, and the Recent Devaluation of Indian Rupee exchange rate, currency, j-curve, balance of paymentsRebecca StephanJanuary 5, 20221993
Empirical Evidence of the J-Curve Hypothesis j-curve, Country Comparison, Asia, AfricaRebecca StephanJanuary 3, 2022
Application of the J-Curve Hypothesis to Selected CFA Zone Countries 1990-Present j-curve, currency, CFA ZoneRebecca StephanDecember 24, 20212009
Dynamic Balance of Trade Deficits Due to Currency Devaluations: A Test of the J-Curve and Kulkarni Hypothesis Africa, Country Comparison, j-curve, kulkarni hypothesisRebecca StephanDecember 21, 20212012